Diesel Allotment to Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi

To check whether allotted diesel properly used or not.
General Info

Most of the fire tender trucks/vehicles run on diesel in each fire station. Every year the government allocates a specific quota of Diesel to each fire tender truck or vehicle present in the Fire Station. But most of the time the allotted diesel is unused or used for some another purpose. To check this an RTI was filed in Chanakyapuri Fire Station of New Delhi in which below mentioned information was asked :-

  1. Total Number of fire tender trucks/vehicles in Chanakyapuri Fire Station.
  2. Quantity of diesel allotted from 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.
  3. Quantity of diesel used in each fire tender trucks/vehicles from 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.
  4. Speedometer details of each truck/ vehicle as on 01 January 2021.
  5. Speedometer details of each truck/vehicle as on 31 December 2021.
  6. And how many kilometres each fire tender truck/vehicle travelled between 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.

The point wise answer of of the concerned Public Information Officer is given below:-

  1. There are total 2 fire unit in the Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi.
    Fire Tender Unit Registration Number
    WT - 60 (DL1GC-2440).
    BFT - 05 (DL1GC-7893).
  2. A total of 5107 litres of diesel allotted to Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi for all fire tender trucks/vehicles.
  3. Total 5107 litres of diesel is used in Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi by all fire tender trucks/vehicles :-
    Fire Tender Unit Amount of Diesel Used
    WT - 60(DL1GC-2440) 2816 Litres.
    BFT - 05 (DL1GC-7893) 2291 Litres.
  4. The speedometer readings of each fire tender truck/vehicle in Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi as on 01 January 2021 are as follows :-
    Fire Tender Unit Speedometer Reading
    WT - 60(DL1GC-2440) 35451
    BFT - 05 (DL1GC-7893) 11342
  5. The speedometer readings of each fire tender truck/vehicle in Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi as on 31 December 2021 are as follows :-
    Fire Tender Unit Speedometer Reading
    WT - 60(DL1GC-2440) 43114
    BFT - 05(DL1GC-7893) 17186
  6. Total distance in kilometres travelled by each fire tender truck/vehicle in Chanakyapuri Fire Station, New Delhi are as follows:-
    Fire Tender Unit Kilometer Travelled
    WT - 60(DL1GC-2440) 7663 Km.
    BFT - 05 (DL1GC-7893) 5844 Km.

But Delhi Fire Service Petro/Diesel Pump Fire Station informed about the diesel allocation to Chanakyapuri Fire Station New Delhi that the amount of diesel allotted is 5120 litres. So the information given by Chanakyapuri Fire Station is a bit mismatched which has said that only 5107 litres of diesel was allotted. For official figure please go through the RTI request and replies mentioned below.

RTI Request Set
RTI Request Details
Application Type
Date of Filing
RTI Response Details
Date of Reply


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